Monday 10 February 2014


Weight loss is 50% attitude. Staying motivated and focused is an important part of success. One tool that you should start utilizing is the mantra.

A mantra is a powerful, inspirational, calming or motivating phrase used in repetition. When you are feeling discouraged, frustrated, powerless or defeated, reciting a mantra either in your head or out loud can give you that extra momentum you need to stick to your health goals.

Write down your mantra on a brightly coloured sticky paper and place them in areas you are most likely to see them often. On your refrigerator, on the corner of your computer screen, dashboard of your car, bathroom mirror, kitchen etc

Why Mantras work.

Developing and utilizing a mantra can  assist you with your weight loss or other health related goals by re-enforcing positive behaviors and helping you to maintain a positive attitude which is central to success. More specifically, a mantra can help you shift the focus from the actual number on the scale to the more permanent idea of adopting a lifestyle change, establishing a healthier relationship with food and developing confidence.

Mantras also help quiet negative self-talk ideas, which are those negative inner thoughts you tell yourself, such as "i can't do it", "I'm  not strong enough", " it's too hard" or "i'll never reach my goal". 

You can overcome even the toughest obstacles if you engage in positive self-talk. Establishing a mantra would give you that extra little boost of confidence you need to make it through the toughest work outs and stick to a healthy diet.

How do i choose a mantra?

You can do a little searching online to find a powerful phrase or inspirational quote that really hits home for you. Mantras should be short, simple and personal to you. They don't have to be complicated nor do they have to make sense to others. Establishing your mantra should come from within you.

Do a little soul searching and think about words that speak to you and what you want to achieve both in the short-term and long-term.

If you have trouble coming up with your own personal mantra, feel free to borrow some inspiration from others and use some of these well-known quotes to provide motivation and encourage positive thinking.


  • "Energy and persistence conquer all things"- Benjamin Franklin.

  • "Don't wait, the time is never just right"-Napoleon Hill.

  • "Every journey begins with a single step"-Maya Angelou.

  • "If it doesn't challenge you,it doesn't change you"- Fred Devito.

  • " If you want what you've never had, you need to do what you've never done"-Thomas Jefferson.

  • "I may not be where i want to be, but i'm better than where i was"- Heather .J.

  • "No one drowns from falling in water, you only drown when you stay there"- Barb L

  • "Life has no remote, you have to get up and change it yourself"- Tracy S

  • " The weight didn't arrive from the fat fairy last night, and the skinny fairy isn't coming tonight either"-Miscelena 1.

  • "What you eat in private, shows up in public"-Nicole Juner.

  • "I've come too far to take orders from a cookie"- Gina L.

  • "Success requires backbone, not wishbone"- Debbie S.

  • "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"-Anonymous

  • "Just get through today"

  • "Fat or Fit"

  • "More sweat now, less jiggle later"

  • "Tell the negative committee that meets in your head to sit down and shut up"

  • "You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way"

  • "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now"

  • "If  we don't change, we don't grow and if we don't grow, we are not really living"- Gail Sheeby

  • "When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow" , tomorrow is a disease"

  • "Know your limitations, then defy them"

  • "If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll  never get anything done"

  • "It's the start that stops most people "

  • "Yesterday, you said tomorrow"

  • "It's a marathon, not a sprint"


  •  Start your day with a glass of fresh cold water .Iced water stimulates metabolism, increasing the number of calories you burn.

  •   Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before your meal.

  •    Prefer water with your meals rather than any other beverage.

  •    Carry a small bottle of water with you at work and while exercising.

  •   Drink water every time you get a craving.

  •   Set a reminder on your phone to remind you to drink water in case you always forget.

  •    Track your daily calorie intake.

  •    Add lemon or lime to your water. It helps to add a bit of taste to the water.

  •    Always drink fresh water

  •   Find no excuses.


Water is very essential for weight loss. When trying to lose weight, it is recommended that you should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. The size of a glass of water is the same as the size of your measuring cup, which means you should ensure that you drink at least 8 of that daily.The body needs 1 liter of water for digesting every 1,000 calories you consume.
Water is important because of the following reasons-:

         Fullness and Appetite Control-: Drinking a glass of water before your meal is good for controlling your appetite while drinking water with your meal will give you the feeling of fullness faster. Although water won't stay very long in the stomach ,if you drink water regularly, you will be able to sustain the feeling of fullness for longer periods.

         Can minimize cravings for snacks-: How many times have you had this feeling of wanting to eat something and you don't know what? It's those times that you stand in front of your fridge and in the end, you end up eating a snack loaded with unnecessary calories and sugars. A well known secret shared by dieticians is to drink a glass of water and wait for 10 minutes. In the majority of cases, water will do the trick and you will save many calories and guilt.

         More Energy, More Activity, Faster Weight Loss: Water does not give you energy like food or other drinks but it helps in many other ways. Keeping your body hydrated is proven to act against headaches while improving focus and memory. How does this relate with weight loss? You need all the energy and courage to work out and follow your diet and this cannot happen if you are always tired, have headaches and cannot focus.

         Zero Calories-: You can drink as many glasses of water as want per day without worrying about calories. Water has zero calories and is the most natural drink you can have. In addition, by drinking water, you are essentially reducing the consumption of other drinks that carry a considerable amount of sugars and calories.

         Source of motivation: Water acts as a source of motivation to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

         Aids Digestion: Water aids digestion and promotes the normal functioning of many body organs, including the liver. Lack of regular intake of water will slow digestion, decrease fat metabolism and give you that feeling of being bloated and tired.

         Reduces water weight

         Detoxifies, tones the muscles and promotes healthy skin.

Women are advised to drink at least 2.7 - 3 liters of water per day while Men should drink 3.7-4 liters of water daily. People who exercise regularly or perform intense physical activity should drink more water per day.


FDA is America's food and drug regulating agency just like NAFDAC in Nigeria. Remember that these drugs need to be correlated with healthy diet and regular exercise, in order to achieve optimum results.

● Orlistat (Xenical)-: Blocks approximately 30% of dietary fat from being absorbed by your body. Effective when combined with diet and exercise. The side effects may include oily stools,gas and frequent bowel movements. Side effects are worse when taken with fatty foods so you should reduce the amount of fatty foods you eat when on this pill.

● Meridia( Sibutramine)-: An appetite suppressant that works by acting on neurotransmitters in the brain. Meridia increases the amount of serotonin, dopamine and norepinepphrine in the synapses of your brain which results in a decrease in appetite. Side effects include dry mouth, constipation, insomnia, head aches and high blood pressure.

● Phentermine-: Phentermine is a sympathometic appetite suppressant. It is prescribed only for short term treatment of obesity. These pills are also most effective when combined with exercise and a healthy diet.

Over-the-Counter diet pills

  • Alli- Reduced strength version of orlislat (Xenical)

  • · Hydroxycut- Appetite Suppressant

  • ·Hoodia

  • ·Garcinia Cambogia-Natural fat burner, stops fat production, burns excess fat and supresses appetite.

  • The 5:2 Fast Formula- Appetite Suppressant and fat burner to be used along with intermittent fasting diet plan.

  • ·Phen375 Fat Burner-Fat burner and appetite suppressant.

  • ·Raspberry Ketone- Regulates metabolism rate and helps body burn fat faster.

  • ·Holland and Barret Fat Metabolizer.